Friday, December 21, 2012

Masala fish en papillote

I have recently discovered a surplus of Shaan masala in my pantry and have been trying to slowly use up my spice stockpile. Everytime we visited Pakistan I would buy the perfunctory stock of spices, and then forget about them. 

I had been reading about cooking en papillote, which translates into 'in paper'. What you need is parchment paper. I haven't tried poultry en papillote yet, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. 

You do need either aluminum foil or parchment paper . All assembly can be done on the paper.

Here's a video explaining the technique for folding the parchment paper.

What I did was dry rub chicken tikka masala on the defrosted fish and sprinkled with lemon juice. That's it. I used tilapia, but any fish would do. I have baked baby potatoes and zucchini on the side of the fish and it turns out great. Bake in a preheated oven at 400 for 20 minutes. 

Here's a video explaining the technique for folding the parchment paper.

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